No supervision is available before 8.40 am and after 3.10 pm for children who do not travel by bus. Our school bell times are:
The following link lists the Emergency Procedures bells:-
Emergency Procedures -Bells
No supervision is available before 8.40 am and after 3.10 pm for children who do not travel by bus.
Collection points
If you are collecting your child from school in the afternoon you do not have to sign in. You will need to arrange to meet at one of four places:
- On the seats under the "Friendship Tree" (near the COLA on the Elizabeth Street side);
- On the seats outside of the classrooms near the "Enter to Learn" gates in Hunter Street;
- Under the tree at "The Parsonage" (school office);
- On the grassed area in front of the Kindergarten building (please do not wait on the verandah).