Singleton Public School

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Year 5 Aussie Bush Camp Excursion

Year 5 Aussie Bush Camp Excursion

The Year 5 major excursion for 2023 is to The Great Aussie Bush Camp at Tea Gardens from Tuesday, 5 December – Friday, 8 December 2023 (three nights in total).  The excursion supports and enhances our study of PD/H/PE, as well as encouraging independence and mutual co-operation.

During the excursion we are hopeful that the following activities will be available (weather permitting):       

*Canoeing   *Dual Flying Fox    *Giant Swing    *High Ropes    *Indoor Rock Climbing   *Mud World   *Powerfan   *Raft Building   * Night Activity (Country Fair and Commando Spot lighting)   

The approximate cost will be $440.00 for each student.

Students will travel by a seat belt equipped coach provided by Great Aussie Bush Camp.

Full information packs will go home closer to the date of the camp. We welcome you to go online and find out more information at

To secure a place, students are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $50.00, which needs to be paid by Wednesday, 20 September 2023.   

The final balance is due by Monday, 27 November 2023.  No late payments will be accepted.  

Full details can be found on the online permission note.  This online permission note will be used in replacement of a paper copy permission note.   

Parent/carers will need to click on the link in the email sent from the School Bytes system, and scroll down. Under the information about the activity, you will need to give permission by selecting yes, or no, if your child will not be attending, complete the other fields, sign and click the submit form button. 

There is also a link to Make an Online payment. 

If you would like a paper copy, click the View online form button, and select print. 

Fees in Advance credits can be applied when making payment or can be applied by contacting the school office.